SASSA new updated April 2023 Payment Dates

We are happy to announce the publication of the SASSA Payment Dates for the month of April 2023. As usual, we will be disbursing payments in a phased manner to ensure that everyone receives their funds on time.

SASSA April 2023 Grant Payment Dates

The following payment dates have been scheduled for April 2023:

  1. Older Persons Grant – Tuesday, 4th April 2023 (04/04/2023) All other Grants linked to the Older Persons account will also be paid on the same day.
  2. Disability Grants – Wednesday, 5th April 2023 (05/04/2023) All other grants linked to the Disability account will also be paid on the same day.
  3. Child Support Grant and others – Thursday, 6th April 2023 (06/04/2023)

It is important to note that the SRD R350 grants do not have scheduled payment dates. This means that beneficiaries of this grant will receive their payments on different days throughout the month, depending on when their applications were approved.

We urge all beneficiaries to keep their payment cards safe and to avoid sharing their PIN numbers with anyone. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your SASSA payment, please do not hesitate to contact our toll-free helpline at 0800 60 10 11.

Do you now have pay dates for March 2023 SASSA SRD R350

If you have applied for the March 2023 SRD grant, you will be pleased to know that SASSA has started issuing payment dates to all approved applicants. The payment dates will start from the 23rd of March 2023 and end on the 25th of March 2023. This means that if you have been approved for the grant, you should receive your payment within this three-day period.

It is important to note that the payment date you receive may not necessarily be on the first day of the payment period. SASSA has stated that the payment dates are issued randomly to avoid overloading the system on any particular day.

If you have applied for the SRD grant but have not received a payment date, it may be because your application is still being processed. You can check the status of your application by visiting the SASSA SRD R350 Grant website or by calling the SASSA helpline on 0800 60 10 11.

If you have been declined for the SRD grant, SASSA encourages you to appeal the decision. You can do this by visiting your nearest SASSA office or by calling the SASSA helpline. The appeal process allows you to provide additional information that was not included in your initial application.